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Lower School Admissions
If you are a prospective parent, we invite you to visit us either on an Open Day or on any other day that suits you. We will give you a tour of the School and then you can meet the Head Teacher and other members of staff to learn more about the school and also discuss your child's requirements and/or your expectations.
Entry Points
Crestbridge admits children from ages 3 months to 11 years. There are multiple entry points:
Children between 3months and 18months (1 ½ years) old are admitted into the Cradle Court, which is Crestbridge’s state-of-the-art crèche facility.
Children over 18 months (1 ½ years) are admitted into the Discovery Grade, which consists of four age grades as shown below:
Ruby Class: Ages 1½ - 2½ years
Emerald Class: Ages 2½ - 3½ years
Sapphire Class: Ages 3½ - 4½ years
Reception Class: Ages 4½ - 5½ years.
Children above 5½ years are admitted into the year group appropriate for their age.
Admission Process
The admission process goes through the following steps:
Parent/Guardian completes the Crestbridge Admission Application form. You can download the form from here.
Completed application forms should be returned to:
The School Coordinator
Crestbridge School
15B Mini-Akama Close, Rebisi Gardens
G.R.A Phase IV, Port Harcourt
Rivers State, Nigeria.
Completed application forms can also be scanned and returned by email to, with the title “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION”
Completed forms will be evaluated against admission criteria set out by the school, and the parent/guardian will then be contacted to discuss and agree next steps.
We shall process your admission and update you with our final decision within 30 days of receiving payment and all documentation.